
10 WEIRDEST DINOSAURS You Won’t Believe Existed

Many people consider the dinosaurs as an essential part of their childhoods. We admired them on tv and used to play with them. But many times, we don’t realize how weird and estrange these creatures can be. Get comfortable and enjoy this curious ride.


This dinosaur could be easily confused with giant bird species since it has the biggest feathers ever found in one of these creatures. The giant dinosaur lived in the Cretaceous period about 125 million years ago. It was found in Liaoning, China. It measured about 29.5 feet in length and 98 feet tall, carrying a weight of 3 tons approximately. Because of its feathered aspect, many people could think that it eats seeds like regular chickens but, this is way far from the truth. The Yutyrannus was a carnivore and belonged to the therapod Tyrannosauroidea super family, which makes this one of the weirdest feathered and biggest Tyrannosauroids that ever existed. Nowadays, a pillow filled with the Yutyrannus feathers would be a great success!


This one would be a Yutyruannus neighbor because it was found near the Shandong province in China. It lived in the last part to the Cretaceous period, approximately 70 million years ago. It measured about 29.5 in length and 9.8 feet tall being totally straight and weighted about 4 tons, being a great herbivore. What at first sight could be called a regular and normal dinosaur ends up being the contrary because it has a big and long crest that extends all over its head. This part of its body was always pointing the front and made sounds because it was directly connected to the nasal bones. So, when the wind crossed this part, it created a really strong resonance box, almost as if it has a little alarm hanging in its head. Weird and bizarre! 


When it comes to weird and herbivore dinosaurs, this Comes hand to hand with the Tsintsaurus. The Sauropetla is one of the most well-known Nodosaurus around the world, being its armor composed by different bones its main feature. This meant it had a considerable quantity of bones that served as a protector shield. Inside this armor, it had a long row of spines sticking out in both sides, which had a size relative to the composition of the Sauropelta’s body. It’s common to see these prongs on their shoulders and in its tile, although these ones were little. This weird and powerful herbivore specie reached approximately 17.2 feet in length and almost 6.5 feet tall with a wright of 6.7 tons. Carrying a natural shield seems to give a better life, but the weight.


As its name indicates, this specie is characterized by having biggest incisor teeth than the other dinosaurs. I lived at the beginning of the Cretaceous period, approximately 128 years ago and same as the Yutyrannus, it was found in the province of Liaoning in China. It measured 3.2 feet in length and 0.39 inches long, so it was a small dinosaur of about 66.1 pounds and its head measured 4 inches in length, according to the fossils, this was an herbivore specie. These predominant teeth on its mandibula were used to tear the different kind of leaves from the forest. It was common to see this specie with a lot of feathers on its body, but, as a secondary effect, they weren’t able to fly. A really peculiar dinosaur with a bird aspect.


The most remarkable and weird characteristic of this dinosaur could be found in its mandibula, because in the frontal part, its teeth stuck out, making a curvature to the bottom of this zone. Really original and even a little intimidating! These teeth were also curved at their end, which made it easy to hook the prey with success when hunting. They usually fed on fishes at the shores of the rivers and also some other smaller species. This dinosaur wasn’t really fast because its femur was longer that its tibia, which made it a slow animal. The Masiakasaurus measured 6.5 feet in length and 19.6 feet tall and weighed 98 pounds. This reptile with weird teeth lived in the Cretaceous about 70 million years ago. Now we’re sure that if nature doesn’t give you velocity to run, it will give you a good trap in your mandibula. Be careful!


This nice but weird dinosaurs belong to the Oviparoptosaurus infraorder because it looks a lot like birds. But we don’t only refer to their abundant feathers that you can easily appreciate but its bone structure which is composed by 5 different vertebras ubicated in its tail. The same ones that form the famous pigostil that the birds have nowadays on their skeleton. This pigostil is an important point of support and connection to the feathers used to fly ubicated on the tail. Even though it has this singular characteristic, the Nomingia wasn’t able to fly. This weird dinosaur measured 5.5 feet in length and almost 3.2 feet tall with a weight of 132.2 pounds. This specie lived in the Cretaceous period, approximately 70 million years ago. If you thought this looked like a big Peacock, believe us when we say we too. They’re extremely similar!


This giant herbivore came from the Gobi Desert and has as main characteristic some powerful and enormous claws, which were really visible in their front legs and measured about 31.4 inches in length. That’s why the Therizinosaurus has the prize for the longest and weirdest claws ever. Just to give you an idea, these claws had the shape of a scythe were almost the same size of a tennis net. Incredibly scary! Although you shouldn’t fear because these powerful knives were only used for self-defense against big predators, also to get the highest branches in the trees looking for food. Because these claws were huge, it meant that their arms were big enough to hold them, measuring about 8.2 feet in length. It also had al length of 32.8 feet long and 19.6 feet tall. They only ate herbs, this specie weighted 4,5 tons. The Therizinosaurus also lived at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 70 million years ago. Shaking hands with them isn’t a Good idea.


This little but weird dinosaur was found in Africa. It’s part of the heterodontosauridae and lived at the beginning of the Jurassic era, approximately 200 million years ago. What really caught our attention are the hundreds of feathers all over its body that were used the same way a hedgehog uses its spines, shooting them every time the Pegomastax was in danger.  It was able to extend its body pretending to be bigger and also hurting its enemies when they wanted to hunt it. Its little 2.7 inches’ head had a curved peak which was able to cut any kind of herb. The Pegomastax measured 23.6 inches long and 7 inches tall and weighed 13.2 pounds over its agile legs. Little but powerful!


And in the second place we find this weird and really intimidating dinosaur. The Gigantoraptor was the biggest oviraptorid theropod because It measured about 26.2 feet in length and 23 feet tall. Being so big of a dinosaur it doesn’t surprise us that it weighted 1.4 tons. It lived at the end of the Cretaceous era, about 80 million years ago. The discovery of this huge and weird dinosaur was in 2005 in Mongolia. At first sight, it was easy to mistake it with a bird from these days because it had a big peak, a long neck and little rests of feathers in its body. When it comes to their alimentation, they were herbivorous, like the Incisivosaurus. Thanks to this size and majestic back legs, it’s known it’s a really agile dinosaur, adding up the fact it had claws with the shape of a couple of knives. You don’t want to be stepped on by nothing in the world. It’s not a joke!


The first place is occupied by the Archaeoceratops, dinosaur that belongs to one of the many ceratopsian species located in Asia, specifically in Gansu, China. It lived at the beginning of the Cretaceous, about 140 million years ago. This particular specie name means Face with old hons. To this moment different types of Archaeoceratops have been found, the Oshimai and the Yujingziensis. According to the experts, the Archaeceratops was a biped creature when it came to moving around. But it’s believed that, with the time and the necessity to eat leaves from the ground, it ended up taking a quadruped posture. Its principal food supply were the plants and herbs from a savage forest. The structure of its skull was bigger than its body in comparison to other little dinosaurs. It’s estimated that it measured 3.2 feet in length approximately. At first sight it seems to be a perfect mixture of a tyrannosaur and the head of a triceratops. Extremely weird!

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