Dinosaurs have been an essential part of our lives. Since we were children, we have always enjoyed watching them on television, movies and even when visiting a toys store. On this occasion, there isn’t space for the most ferocious or fearsome, but for the most adorable, cute and captivating dinosaurs. Let's start with the adventure!

This little but very nice dinosaur is one of the most stunning species of the prehistoric world. It lived about 80 million years ago during the Campanian period, the second part of the Cretaceous period, and its remains were found in what nowadays is known as Asia. Its peculiar and funny name means “lizard of Wannan”. It had a really small body, it was so little you could carry it as if it was your favorite pet because it was about 23 inches long. This species was a herbivore, taking it out for a walk to the park wouldn’t be hard either; But beware, it could end up devouring all your neighbor’s garden. One of the most striking and adorable features of this dinosaur is its small flat head and its pair of front arms, which make it look like a small child. Even in the adult stage it is still a reason for adoration and sympathy. Bye dear dog, hello Wannanosaurus!

Inside the world of dinosaurs, not just the little species are synonymous of sweetness and tenderness, these little giants have a special place in our hearts and the Europasaurus is an indisputable proof of that. His name is clearly a reference to its place of origin. This European lizard was a sauropod dinosaur and lived at the end of the Jurassic era. Measuring about 20.34 feet in length, it was one of the smallest sauropod species of its kind compared to the great Camarasaurus and the famous Brachiosaurus, one of its main attributes being its unmistakable face and cranial cavity. It could be said that the Europasaurus became an adult dinosaur with the size of an infant. Do you think it’s cute? For sure this dinosaur must feel ashamed for being reminded as such. How not to love this sauropod with small eyes, long neck, sturdy legs and adorable look. The ideal companion!

This interesting, cute and stunning dinosaur owes its name to the cliff of Minmi, located in Australia, exactly where it was discovered. It lived approximately 113 to 119 million years ago. At first glance, this species could be confused with a cute calf since measured no more than 39 inches in height, was quadruped, herbivorous and had a face quite similar to a bovine. Its unique appearance could make it seem rude because it carries a number of bone plates around its back and tail, but nothing could be further from reality since they were only used as natural protection for any threat. Having a Minmi as a pet would be no doubt one of the best options in the world because not only would be very practical to put it in your home but also be able to play with it, take it for a walk, play sports together and even scratch the tummy from time to time. One of the most sympathetic, tender and original herbivores that the Cretaceous could give us. Let’s go back in time and have one of these!

If you look at dinosaur and you think you are seeing a giant duck, don’t feel ashamed, laugh out loud as you can because this is one of the most loved prehistoric animals by children and lovers of the Cretaceous period. Its particular comb, its small doubtful eyes and its tiny snout make it one of the most adorable dinosaurs in history. Their small arms extend to be able to run in case it is necessary, since the Parasaurolophus can be a bipedal or quadruped. There is a debate among experts about the functionality of the comb of this species: it could have been used both for acoustic resonance, thermoregulation, as well as to differentiate and recognize the males of the females. Since it’s a cute animal with serene image, it could be easily raised on the farm of your grandparents, but we don’t recommend taking it to your apartment as its more than 9.84 feet high, so it could end up destroying all the decoration. Also, your mom may end up throwing you and staying with this giant baby because its beautiful eyes that would captivate her heart.

Many of you can remember the famous Triceratops or the Protoceratops, the same ones that have participated in movies, series, cartoons, documentaries, among others. Today we give a special place on our list to one of the cutest species and, at the same time, almost unknown all around the world. The Gryphoceratops is one of the smallest ceratopsian dinosaurs ever found in North America, like its more famous cousins, this species has a unique parrot beak in the snout. This plump dinosaur didn’t have horns in its skull, so playing ball on a sunny field day wouldn’t be a big problem. In addition, having no spikes around its body is much easier to embrace, pamper, ride and walk through a beautiful park on a Sunday morning. Since it’s an herbivorous dinosaur, the field and the grass are the best place to take care of it and make it happy. An incredibly sweet Gryphoceratops!

You already knew the biggest and cutest version of what is currently a duck, now you’ll meet the smallest, hairiest and funniest version of a little chicken. This diminutive and cute animal lived at the end of the Jurassic period, approximately 147 million years ago. It wasn’t bigger than 4.72 inches tall by 11.81 inches long, it is without a doubt the perfect dinosaur for the garden of your house, garage or even your own room, just if you give it the necessary care that this tiny and lovely specie needs. Its most outstanding features were its beautiful and vivid colors around the body. Apart from its small skull and beak similar to that of a chicken, this species wore a sophisticated plumage simulating a comb, also had a beautiful fan of feathers at the tip of the tail, making it look like a harmonious, more friendly and graceful than the rest of Jurassic animals. If this little dinosaur came to existence today, be sure that all Australian parakeets in the world would go to would me replaced when it comes to ornamental pets. Beauty always comes in a small bottle!

The name of the Micropachycephalosaurus has a funny meaning: “small thick-headed lizard”. This cute specie lived at the end of the Cretaceous period approximately 71 and 83 million years ago. One of the greatest curiosities about this animal lies in its peculiar name, since it’s the dinosaur with the longest name. From his initial M to the final S, it sums a total of 23 letters, quite an achievement for the parents of this small. It must have been really hard to fill its birth certificate. Besides this, the main reason for its tenderness lays in its dimensions. Measuring only about 23.62 inches in length, it is one of the most beautiful and harmonious dinosaurs of the prehistoric era. It’s cute and practical, a 10 years old kid could carry it as if it was its little younger brother. Its colorful tones, its tiny snout and its large and vibrant eyes make it the ideal company for a boring day. Don’t you want to adopt it?

Its name means “Edmonton’s lizard”. It lived at the end of the Cretaceous period, around 65 to 73 million years ago. The main reason why it’s known as one of the largest species is its stunning 42.65 feet in length and weighs around 4 tons. A monumental sweetness! One of the most outstanding characteristics of the Edmontosaurus is its colorful comb, the same one that, unlike many other dinosaurs, was totally fleshy. Being very similar to the roosters or chickens of our present. His great head, striking ridge and tender little cause in ourselves tons of beautiful emotions. Don’t you think?

This dinosaur could easily steal your heart at first sight. The Psittacosaurus is the perfect mixture between a funny parrot and a domestic dog, so it’s one of the most original, beautiful and harmonious species of the Cretaceous period. Its name means “lizard with a parrot peak” and belongs to the family of ceratopsians, like Triceratops or Protoceratops. But in difference to these ones, the Psittacosaurus was smaller and could adopt both bipedal and quadrupedal forms according to the satiations of their daily life. Some members of this dinosaur genre had a pair of horn-like bulges next to their cheeks which made it look pretty comical and cute. Its sturdy front legs made it look pretty adorable, almost as if it was a small obese child. Having one of these dinosaurs at home is almost like living with a fat, small, chubby panda from China. Its herbivore alimentation is the perfect feature that every human wants at the moment of having a new pet. Small, friendly, sweet, herbivorous and reliable. What more can you ask for?

This cute animal belongs to a genus represented by a single species of theropod dinosaur, existing at the beginning of the Cretaceous period about 135 million years ago. It was small sized and one of the most beautiful, cute and adorable species of the Cretaceous period. Its tiny remains were found in the Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China. The name of this species is Mei Long and means “Dragon of deep sleep”. This dinosaur has an openly striking resemblance to the birds we know today, its greatest attribute was its delicate and extensive plumage of colors. Its skull was covered by radiant and vivacious feathers, the same ones that gave it a very stunning appearance to the point that a cute comb could be seen sticking out its head. The perfect time to be captivated by this little dinosaur was undoubtedly the time to sleep, since at bedtime it huddled and hid its head between its legs. This way, it performed a very similar position to that of some birds today. Quite an experience that, without a doubt, we would love to enjoy. Beautiful!
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