It’s known that if you take good care of our dog, it can live up to 29 years, but there are some puppies that break the rules of nature because they can live for a lot of years. Join us and let’s discover which dog lived 200 dog years.
#10 Meg

This little Jack Russell obtained the title for The Oldest Dog in Great Britain. Meg lived in a farm until it was 18 months, when it was adopted by David Abrahams.
Its teeth weren’t strong enough because its gums were really weak, this because of its advanced age. It avoided dog food and only ate a soft diet. That’s why, its favorite appetizers were pasta and Peppa pig’s canned tomatoes, it also ate gluten free fish fingers and had roasted dines made by its owner. Delicious!
Because of its age, Meg became a really loved dog and didn’t accept the same food twice a day, so her owner had a lot of different food just for her. A true diva!
Although it didn’t have a nutritive diet, it lived 25 years, which is 113 dog years. Practically, it lived twice the age of its life expectancy.
#9 Jack

Jack was born in the United Kingdom and was known as one of the oldest dogs in that country. Its owners, Ray Bunn and his wife, adopted him after one of their neighbors found the dog tied to a tree. It lived a decade longer than regular Yorkshires, living 26 years, which is equivalent to 117 years. It suffered of arthritis, urinary incontinence and had some epileptic attacks.
Despite of always having a huge appetite, with the years, it became so conceited that it only ate sirloin and caned meat. I bet Meg and Jack would have gotten along very well.
Sadly, Jack died in a fatal accident. One morning, Ray was going to the sports port of Hartlepool with his dog. Everything was normal until he put its belt on its neck, then, another dog, a black Lakeland terrier attacked the poor Yorkshire and bite it.
Ray tried to separate the dogs with all its strength, hitting the other dog’s nose a lot of times, however, the attack didn’t stop. The bite was so mortal it pierced one of its lungs and the poor Jack died in its way to the veterinary.
#8 Pusuke

Pusuke is one of the dogs that had more titles of the Oldest Dog by the World Guinness Records. It lived 26 years and 248 days, which is equivalent to 125 dog years.
It was born in 1985 in Sakura, Togochi, product of the crossing of a Shiba Inu, a Japanese breed. Yumiko Shinohara, its owner, says that Pusuke didn’t have a special diet, it ate twice a day and even ate a few candies.
In 2008, this dog got hit by a car and was about to die, but thanks to a surgical intervention it could live and keep smiling with its family.
Sadly, the inevitable came and the owner says that she came from the market and found the dog laying on the floor. It’s believed that it died because of its age.
#7 Buksi

This cute dog was born in 1990 and its owners owns rooms for guests, place where it lived its whole life and was known as the oldest dog in Hungary.
Sadly, it died in August 26th, 2017, living 27 amazing years. Buski was well known in Hungary, even the news network published a note about its death,
A curious fact is that with the intention of studying how Buski could live so many years, the ethology faculty from the ELTE University in Budapest extracted blood from the dog and sent it to labs in the United States. Do you imagine what would happen if after these studies they discover the secret for a long and healthy life?
#6 Bramble

Bramble was a Border Collie that hold the title for The Oldest Dog in the World by the Guinness World Record living 27 years and 211 days.
It’s a dog that besides calling the attention because of its long live, it was also known by being vegetarian. It had an exclusive diet, which consisted in organic vegetables, rice and lentils. These aliments were complimented with a lot of exercise. A really healthy dog!
Anne Heritage, its owner, was also a vegan, she said she only gave this dog a bowl of vegetables a day because she thought it would serve as inspiration of what a healthy lifestyle can give.
Al lot of commentaries were made about this fact, because people said dogs are carnivores and you can’t just feed them with vegetables. That’s why, a vital health testing was taken to the vegan dogs and the ones that meat. This indicated that the vegetarian dogs don’t have lower protein levels, which indicates that they can ear only vegetables with no problem. However, the ideal is to feed them with vegetables since they’re puppies so their body get used to.
#5 Taffy Gayle

Brenda and Barney Harvill are a couple that couldn’t have a child. That’s why they decided to adopt a little poodle called Taffy Gayle.
Little Taffy was raised as a daughter by this family, so she received a lot of attention and care during the whole day.
Her owner always tried to conceit her, that’s why she had a lot of clothes for babies: sweaters, garments and pink dresses.
She had a diet which included dog food mixed with meat and stewed chicken and hamburgers. Also, it received an aspirin for babies every morning and tears for its eyes twice a day.
With the time it lost the vision but tried to be independent with its daily routine, living up to 27 years and 317 days.
#4 Bella

The adorable Bella lived in Derbyshire, England, and is one of the dogs that couldn’t get into the Guinness World Record Book because it didn’t have a certificated day of birth.
Its owner, David Richardson, was the one who adopted when she had 3 years. He says that when he went to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals in 1982, they made him chose between two dogs and finally adopting Bella because she was calmer.
Bella lived with David, who is 76 years old and his couple, Daisy, who is 81 and they say that their pet’s age was showing because it ate a little, it only had a couple of teeth left. But don’t worry, even though it didn’t eat much, it was the number one at eating candies. They were her favorites!
The sweet Bella had a heart attack and passed away while her owners were on vacation, living 20 years, which is equivalent to 200 dog years.
#3 Bluey

Bluey was a dog from Victoria, Australia. It’s true that there’re a lot of dogs that have lived more than this one but they didn’t have the necessary documentation to prove this fact so they couldn’t get the title in the Guinness World Record as this dog did.
Its full name was Blue Heeler, but is lovingly called Bluey. It was born in June 7th 1910 and was adopted by Les and Esma Hall from Rochester, they had a big farm, which was guarded by this adorable for 20 years.
It as an Australian Cattle dog, which is characterized for working in Australian farms since the beginning of the century and they can stand extreme temperatures. Thanks to this hard job, it makes the daily exercise it needs and has a similar diet to the kangaroos and emus, Bluey had big muscles and was heavy.
Sadly, it died even though it had a good health, passing away in November 14th 1939 at the incredible age of 29 years and 159 days.
#2 Max

Max from Louisiana was a half blood dog, it was the result of a mixture between a Beagle, Dachshund and a Terrier. His owner was Janelle Deroune and bought it to a local sugar canes farmer in 1983.
This dog had a Good health and only suffered of low arthritis and cataracts, but a few months before passing away, it has a few convulsions, this because it was really old. It finally died in 2013 at the age of 29 years and 282 days, just one week after being recognized as the oldest dog by the Guinness World Record.
It was buried next to its favorite blanket and bed in the backyard of the house it lived in, under a tree that, according to its owners, was one of his favorite places to rest. This dog was so loved its grave was decorated with flowers, poems and lights.
#1 Maggie

She was born in Australia and was a big contender for the title of the Oldest Dog in the World by the Guinness World Record. However, because of a missing document that proves the date she was born, she couldn’t get it.
The owner, Brian McLaren, who elaborate lacteous products, says that Maggie lived in its farm for about 30 years, which means she is 200 in dog years.
He also said that his pet’s routine wasn’t far from other dogs of such an advanced age because she slept a lot, didn’t do any kind of exercise and sometimes she accompanied him when using the tractor.
Although she was deaf and blind because of her age, she lives happy until 2016, when she died. Rest in peace, Maggie.
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