
The Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

When allergies invade our lives, going outside during the spring, manipulating certain flowers or living with pets can be very complicated. However, you too can enjoy the company an unconditional four-legged friend. That's why we are proposing 10 dog breeds that can make even the most allergic of people have their canine companion.


It is a small dog that doesn’t shed and does not produce dandruff, excellent for people with allergies and who live in apartments. This breed measures around 5 to 13 inches and weighs 6 to 15 pounds the largest. Although its hair is medium to long, its spill does not usually cause allergic reactions, since it has the same Ph as humans. Simply brush them once a day or take them to the canine hairdresser for a good cut and go. In addition, they look beautiful with hairstyles, adorned with colorful bows. The Yorkshire always looks elegant, has an upright posture, is confident and proud with an unmistakable poise, they are some of the most affectionate lap dogs and are adaptable to any family. It will become you furry favorite.


The Italian greyhound is undoubtedly the miniature version of greyhounds. This canine usually weighs a maximum of 17 pounds. Its head is long and pointed, with a collected abdomen similar to that of cheetahs. One of the characteristics of the Italian greyhound, are its long legs that stand out, this breed measures 12 to 14 inches in height at the withers. Belonging to the greyhounds family, it possesses a very short coat, very close to its body that hardly changes, does not smell either, ideal if you suffer from allergies because of dog hair. Friendly, submissive, affectionate and pleasant, they enjoy jumping, running, climbing and jumping. It is capable of reaching 37 miles per hour., being the fastest of the dwarf dogs. Without a doubt, a real runner.


This adorable little dog, very similar to a stuffed animal, also known as a curly haired bichon because of its “afro” appearance, doesn’t shed in the shape of spirals, practically nothing. This little white boy measures 8 to 9 inches at the withers and weighs only 6 to 8 pounds. They are considered a very happy breed, playful, extroverted, affectionate and obedient. It likes to be the center of attention and live in an environment where it can be part of family life. It is recommended for you to brush its curly hair to avoid for it to get tangled or you can also take it to a professional for a haircut when you see its long due so it can keep its popular and appreciated velvety look. But you should try to maintain its afro style that makes it so tender and irresistible.


The miniature poodle is one of the breeds that stands out for its intelligence and good memory so it will learn your orders with ease. We can see it in many movies, playing pets for the high-class, also known as kings and noble pets. It has a height at the withers of up to 11 inches and a weight of up to 8 pounds. While it is true, the poodle stands out for its attractive curly and woolly hair, these elegant dogs, do not shed or suffer from hair fall, although it grows continuously, without a doubt, this dog is a good option for someone so allergic at home. This breed is also suitable for dog training and beauty pageants. Usually the poodle is given the “lion cut”, which only leaves the hair on his head, neck and pom-poms on its legs. Although the most common colors of the breed are black and white, there are also brown, gray or apricot shades. The intelligent, bouncy, light and vivacious the poodle has conquered many hearts.


This dog has a punk soul. The crested Chinese is a dog has no fur except for having it on its head hair with a punk crest and some on its paws. Therefore, it is one of the dog breeds that create the least allergies. Light and active, the Chinese crested dog weighs less than 11 pounds in both males and females. Its elongated and very slim body can measure between 11 and 12 inches. In a family is a great companion, it likes to be with its owner and especially play with it. It is an excellent companion dog, of a very widespread breed around the world, so it is not difficult to adopt. If you want an active and small dog, this breed can be yours.


An unusual canine friend, the Argentine pila dog is a small breed of hairless dogs, with a soft and dark skin, a sweet, cheerful and alert nature. These are characterized by the absence of capillary mass, either total or partial, although there are some examples of Argentine pile dog that have hair in some areas of its body, such as the head, where they have a kind of crest. Anyway, it is not a very long or thick hair. This charismatic Argentine dog in its toy size measures up to 9 inches at the withers and its weight is proportional to its height. It is important that it doesn’t stay in the sun too long and apply sunscreen on your body. In fact, one of its idiosyncrasies is that it is very pleasant to touch them, because the temperature of its skin is 3 degrees above ours. It will keep you warm in winter.


Among the most curious or rare breeds in the world is the Peruvian hairless dog, considered patrimony of its nation since 2001. Also known as “Viringo”, this specimen has as its main characteristic the absence of hair, either partial or total. This is particularity due to the fact that Viringo has the ectodermal hypoplasia syndrome, which causes its baldness. The small Peruvian dog measures 9 to 15 inches and weighs 8 to 17 pounds. They are very well adapted to warm climates but due to the absence of fur, in cold seasons they should wear coats, otherwise they could suffer respiratory issues. Although they are not the most popular because of their hairless condition, it is said that the Incas used them to warm their beds, cure headaches and even arthritis. A real mystic healer.


The Mexican bald dog or also known as “Xolo” is a native of the Aztec country. It is completely bald so it is ideal for people who hate picking their pet’s hairs from the sofa, clothes and rugs thus avoiding any allergic reaction. These loving bald things love hugs and pampering very much. They are intelligent, affectionate, cheerful and playful. There are three sizes of “Xolo”, small, medium and large. The latter comes in a size of 24 to 39 pounds, and measures 20 to 29 inches. These dogs were also inspiration for the work of Mexican painter Frida Khalo and her husband Diego Rivera, there are self-portraits with their beloved bald blackies. Unquestionably, sources of inspiration.


The hairless chihuahueños are a breed of miniature dogs native to Mexico. These little ones measure 5 to 9 inches and weigh 3 to 6 pounds. It means they fit easily into a medium-sized wallet. Currently, there are very few hairless chihuahuas, as it is a breed in development, therefore, is not yet recognized by the canine associations. To take care of your bald chihuahua you should use sunscreen in hot weather, you can also bathe it with a special baby gel, a fun fact is that they love water. This breed is very attached to its owner, so it is not recommended for children because of its fragility. On the other hand, these “pocket dogs” seem to be unaware of their size and may face other larger animals. What a daring puppy it turned out to be, the Chihuahua!


The hairless American terrier is a little known breed from the southern United States, but it is perfect for people suffering from allergies. They tend to be a bit territorial, so they are always vigilant at home. They are small to medium in size with a maximum of 15 inches at the withers, their delicately muscled body weighing about 26 pounds in their adulthood. They have been recognized since 2004 by the United Kennel Club, officializing the “American Hairless Terrier” breed, separating it from its predecessor, the “Rat Terrier”. When they are puppies they are born with a soft “fur”, known as the “birth shield”. However, this hair diminishes over time and puppies should be completely hairless at approximately 8 to 10 weeks of age, leaving their skin soft and warm to the touch. Playful and energetic, they are excellent pets for small and older children. A key difference between the American hairless Terrier and other hairless dog breeds is that its gene is recessive, while the baldness gene found in the old breeds is a lethal dominant. Therefore, this little friend has no dental problems such as missing premolars, or other features associated with the dominant hair gene. Thus being the best breed of dogs for those who fight allergies. These beautiful baldies will be happy to live with you.

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